Shark and Pelican Games is a teeny-tiny game studio specializing in ridiculous games with off-the-wall concepts and sexy, stupid hooks.


Our latest games, released and upcoming!



BARD HARDER! is a tabletop-inspired visual novel game about saving your friends from the Big Bad Evil Guy by using your strongest weapon: romance! So brush up on your pick-up lines and prepare some sexy tunes...what's the worst that could happen?



Play the free demo!

Welcome to 'Kiss/OFF,' the newest (and hottest) intergalactic dating show in the Milky Way galaxy! Two teams of strangers compete in front of a live studio audience to have the Best Kiss by the end of three days. The cost of failure?! Death, of course! And the prize? Freedom! Or is it? Does the show ever end, or is it gonna go forever and ever and ever...?

© 2020, Brooklyn, NY
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